Cross approximation: intro
Skeleton decomposition
Cross approximation and skeleton decomposition are one of the basic concepts in our research. It is all about low-rank matrices which appear in many different applications: integral equations, tensor approximations and many others. Cross approximation is simple and elegant, but it is not widely known as it should be. Suppose that an \(n \times m\) matrix \(A\) has rank \(r\). Then it can be exactly recovered from \(r\) columns and \(r\) rows as
where \(C\) are \(r\) columns of \(A\), \(R\) are \(r\) rows of \(A\) and \(\widehat{A}\) is a submatrix on their intersection. That means, that only \((n + m) r\) elements are required. What about the stability of this decomposition? Suppose \(A\) can be approximated with low rank only approximately:
with \(\Vert E \Vert = \varepsilon\). How to select an good submatrix. A good guide is the maximum volume : among all \(r \times r\) submatrices select the one that has largest volume, i.e. the maximum absolute value of the determinant. Then, the corresponding approximation
where \(\sigma_{r + 1}\) is the \((r + 1)\)-th singular value of \(A\) and the error is measured in the Chebyshev norm (maximum absolute value).
Cross approximation
A good question is how to compute (quasi)-optimal submatrices. One the possibility is the cross approximation algorithm, which is equivalent to the Gaussian elimination. The steps of the algorithm are simple:
- Find some pivot \((i', j')\)
- Subtract a rank-\(1\) cross from the matrix:
$$ A_{ij} := A_{ij} - \frac{A_{i j'}A_{i' j}}{A_{i' j'}}. $$
- Cycle until the norm of \(A\) is small enough.
Different pivoting strategies are possible. The full pivoting assumes that \((i', j')\) maximizes the absolute value of the residue. This involves \(\mathcal{O}(nm)\) complexity and is unacceptable. Partial pivoting can be different: from the simplest row pivoting scheme to rook schemes and random sampling.
Maximum-volume principle is the cornerstone of the low-rank approximation algorithms. Although it is often claimed that maximum-volume submatrix is hard to compute, there are very efficient algorithms for doing that. Maybe the most promiment one is the algorithm that computes a maximum-volume submatrix in a tall \(n \times r\) matrix. It is an iterative algorithm: it starts from a non-singular \(r \times r\) submatrix and then substitutes one row at a step (greedy approach). For this problem, the convergence is very fast. There are few tricks to make it really efficient. The efficient implementations of the maxvol algorithm are available both in the MATLAB and Python version of the TT-Toolbox.
import numpy as np
import tt
from tt.maxvol import maxvol
n = 256
a = np.zeros((n, n))
""" Hilbert matrix --- classic low-rank example """
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n):
a[i, j] = 1.0 / (i + j + 1)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(a)
Computing the maxvol-skeleton approximation
for r in [1, 5, 10, 15]:
u1 = u[:, :r]
v1 = v[:r, :]
v1 = v1.T
s1 = s[:r]
er_svd = np.linalg.norm(a -,, v1.T)))
""" Computing maxvol indices """
indu = sort(maxvol(u1))
indv = sort(maxvol(v1))
C = a[:, indv]
C = np.linalg.solve(C[indu, :].T, C.T).T # Computing CC^{-1}
R = a[indu, :]
er_skel = np.linalg.norm(a -, R))
print 'SVD er:', er_svd, 'Skeleton er:', er_skel