Andrey Chertkov

PhD Student at Skoltech

Research interests

Low-rank tensor approximation, multiscale problem, QTT/FEM approximation

All publications, sorted by year

  1. A. V. Chertkov, I. V Oseledets, and M. V. Rakhuba. Robust discretization in quantized tensor train format for elliptic problems in two dimensions. arXiv preprint 1612.01166, 2016. URL: [ bib ]
  2. Ivan V. Oseledets, Maxim V. Rakhuba, and Andrei V. Chertkov. Black-box solver for multiscale modelling using the QTT format. In Proc. ECCOMAS. Crete Island, Greece, 2016. URL: [ bib ]


26/05/2016 A TT-eigenvalue solver that finally works Papers
12/05/2016 Exponential machines and tensor trains Papers
06/04/2016 Convergence analysis of a projected fixed-point iteration Papers
30/03/2016 Compress-and-eliminate solver for sparse matrices Papers
01/12/2015 New paper in SIMAX Papers


We are located at the 2-nd floor of the new "Technopark-3” building in Skolkovo (few kilometers outside Moscow Ring Road). The building is accessible from Skolkovo Road (Сколковское шоссе) and Minskoe Highway (Минское шоссе).
